バターチキンカレー Butter Chicken Curry

バターチキンカレー Butter Chicken Curry


There is an English explanation after Japanese.


*ケチャップ 大さじ2
*ヨーグルト 100g
*カレーパウダー 小さじ2
*はちみつ 大さじ1

鶏むね肉 1枚 (鶏もも肉もOK)
ケチャップ 大さじ1
おろしにんにく 5g
おろし生姜 5g
オリーブオイルまたは植物油 小さじ2
バター 5〜10g




People who don’t like spicy food always ask for butter chicken curry when they visit an Indian restaurant. One is a little spicy curry and the other is a butter chicken curry. For them, butter chicken curry is one of oasis for them. I want a little stimulation, but butter chicken curry is perfect for the rest.Actually chicken curry is very easy. It’s easier than Japanese curry.

Ingredients (for 2 people)

* 2 tbsp ketchup * yogurt 100 g
* curry powder 2 tsp
* honey 1 tbsp

1 chicken breast (chicken and meat are OK)
1 tablespoon ketchup
5 g grated garlic
5 g grated ginger
Olive oil or vegetable oil 2 tsp
Butter 5〜10g

How to make
Put the (*)ingredients into a bowl and mix. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, then put into a bowl and mix. If you can put the whole bowl in the refrigerator (At least 1 hour).

Fry garlic and ginger in a pan heated with oil until it smells. Add (1) in the pan as well. Add the ketchup and butter then mix until chicken is cooked through.

Estonian impressions of my family:
It’s delicious. I think all Estonians like it. Even if you don’t have rice, you can use bread or naan.


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